I’m Abram Jackson, and I’m designing
The Era of Intelligent Apps
Latest Articles
Outstanding AI Agents are Laser-Focused on a Role
How can we design incredible AI agents that solve real problems for users? Identify the role an agent should play and…
A New Hope for SaaS: Embracing AI Agents
How AI Agents will work with you as proactive, personal, capable, and communicative assistants. And what will remain for us to…
AI That You Don’t Want to Smash
AI features may make you want to go Office Space on your computer, or they may provide transformational value. Learn how…
How to Use AI to Master Writing Ability
AI is revolutionizing writing technology, making it more accessible and effective for everyone… but only if you use it well!
Why Others Think AI Is a Miracle But You Think It’s Useless
There are some critical issues with today’s AI products, and the solution is not to train better models. The problems are…
How to Make AI That Improves the Wealth Gap
Transportation workers are being replaced, while translators have more work than ever. How can we design AI to benefit everyone?
How to be Antifragile to Upcoming AI Disruption
If anyone tells you what the future of AI holds, do not believe them. There will certainly be change, but how…
Is This the End of Programming?
Should you drop out of college and give up your career of software engineering? What’s left for programmers when AI tops…
The Unprompting Notecard: Simple Advice for Using AI
You don’t need to learn prompt engineering to get incredible results from AI. A few short tips and practice are all…
Why Chat is the Best (and Worst) Interface to AI
Why do most AI products use chat as their interface? Because conversation allows us to more carefully direct it to what…
Author Profile

Abram Jackson
I’m a product manager, working in AI products and platform for as long as they’ve existed. I scale 0 to 1 and deploy to millions. I love spreadsheets and I’m an aspiring grill dad. Read More…